December 30, 2024: 12:00 – 1:15pm
January 7, 2025: 6:30 – 7:45pm
This training is intended for first responders and ambulance staff in order to discuss safe transport for infants and children in emergency vehicles.
FREE but registration is required. Link provided after registration. Both sessions are the same so sign up for one.
2024_25 STC in Ambulances Trng Flyer_AltruSKidsGF
Midwest EMSC Peds Symposium – EMS Recordings
HECC Nov 12 Peds Symposium Recording
EMSC MN is seeking individuals that are interested in improving the quality of pediatric care at your EMS agency or hospital. We created a fun little video to explain what a Pediatric Champion is and how to join the team of others.