MN EMS for Children (EMSC) program, in conjunction with five other state EMSC programs, will present “From Celebration to MCI: Pediatric Trauma Response at the Kansas City Chiefs Rally” Nov. 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This FREE virtual symposium will feature an analysis of the events experienced during the Chiefs Rally shootings, which resulted in several pediatric patients. Troy Armstrong, Paramedic, and Morgin Dunleavy, RN, who leads the Emergency Management division at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, will discuss their emergency response from planning to execution, as well as on-the-ground EMS care of patients. Two hours of free physician, APP, nursing and EMS credit will be provided.
See the attached instructions and use the flyer to register. Please note that you must be registered before the webinar begins in order to attend.
Thank you for supporting free pediatric continuing education! Kindly reach out to Kjelsey with any questions regarding the symposium or registration.
To register, click the link below or in the flyer.